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    Manufacture of 19-inch open frame monitors

    • Author:jacob
    • Release on:2019-06-06
    today, we have a project for 19 in open frame monitor fabrication;

    the client show me drawing; looks design as well;

    此图像的 alt 属性为空;文件名为 cad-drawing.png

    19 inch open frame drawing

    the hole mark A, B, C one by one, and the material, surface tech demand list clear;

    but when i open it to fabrication , fond the some hole too close the bend edge; almost stuck the tool;

    此图像的 alt 属性为空;文件名为 hole-problem.png

    the monitor frame bend stuck with the hole

    so, the client kindly discuss and advise the hole move up more 1.2mm,

    i am not sure it's can solved it , try to make it first;

    the back design looks good, the interface IO plate can be replace when the motherboard changed

    the flat bend drawing spent my 2 hours; it's terrible; because the bend edge many cut to different sharp, I know, NX cant 'recognize it,

    finally, the extend drawing as below;


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